Gaining a Birds Eye View of Our Local Area

Well Families!

We made it to the top of Mt Nutt today and back to school again.  We were able to gain a ‘birds eye view’ of our beautiful Queens Bay and the surrounds of Queens Beach.  Thank you to the family members that came  along for our walk.  Your support is greatly valued!  Thank you to all my students who walked there and back without complaining!  It was only during the last leg that I heard….”How much further?”  The drawings that the children created to record the views they took in were awesome, demonstrating their understanding of such a complex concept.SAM_0596

The view from the top of the water tower.

The view from the top of the water tower.

Exploring Our Material World

Hi Everyone,

Below are links to two games that our students can play to help reinforce their understanding of materials and their properties.  This term in science we are building our base knowledge of what objects around us are made of and why they are made of that material.  For example, the children all agreed that if everything was made of paper we wouldn’t be very happy because if it rained everything would be fall apart or be ‘smooshed’.


Miss Richards



Welcome Back to Term 2

Hi Families,

A little belated, but welcome back to Term 2.  Our first week is through and the second is about to begin.  Term 2 is always a busy one.  We had a jam packed three days including commemorating ANZAC Day.  It was wonderful to see many students from our class either in the ANZAC Day March on Friday 25 April, or supporting our servicemen and servicewoman by watching the march.  It was also wonderful to see all students eager to be back at school and working so hard all week.

This coming week we will begin our Geography Unit of work.  This week we are going for a walk around our community and then the following week we will walk to the Town Water Tower.  Permission notes for the walks will come home Monday and need to be returned by Wednesday.  Any family helpers available are needed!  Please join us!

You will notice a new form in your child’s homework this week.  This will be used to communicate with you about behaviour, homework, and literacy goals.

Let’s have a great week 2 with 100% attendance!

Thank you

Miss Richards

SSP – Speech Sound Pics Green Level

Hi All,

As mentioned at our first Family Information Sessions, we utilise a number of programs and strategies to teach Reading, Writing and Spelling. SSP developed by the ‘Reading Whisperer’ (Emma Hartnell-Baker) is the developer of one strategy that we use. Now that we have explored the 44 phonic sounds in the English language using Jolly Phonics, the students will work through the SSP approach. Starting with green level. This covers the sounds S A T I P N. The following clip from works through the sounds as well as words that can be sounded out with these sounds.

Thank you,

Miss Richards